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Where can I find a User Guide/Video?

User Guide and User Videos are coming soon!

Invite a friend

From the main menu, select “Settings.” Then select “Family Members” At the bottom of the screen click the “Invite” icon.

In the corner (upper right for Apple users / lower right for Android users) of the screen click the + icon. Complete the fields and click “Send Invite.”

Accepting an invite

Check your email for your Truece invite code. (Don’t forget to check your spam mail folder if you do not see an invite code in your inbox.) Follow the “Welcome to Truece” instructions to get started.

What information is shared with my connections on Truece?

You can pick and choose what information you want to share with your various connections. For example, you may want to share a calendar update with your ex, but a financial update with your lawyer. You have control!

Contact Us

I still have questions … who can I contact?