q Truece co-parenting app | Truece Truece co-parenting app | Truece
Log parenting time, manage your schedule, record expenses, and compile reports, all in a centralized, secure format.

Streamlined Support for Co-Parents

Truece is a free mobile app that provides organization and communication tools for co-parents and their communities. Co-parenting is a process. We’ll help you navigate it.

Connect with your Co-Parenting Community

Keep everyone on the same page by inviting your co-parenting community to join your Truece community – co-parents, kids, grandparents, nannies, legal professionals – anyone who’s involved in your parenting process. Within the app you can share messages, important documents, calendar updates, and more.

Easily Access Information

Access information anytime, anywhere. Messaging and Expenses are searchable by keyword so you can quickly and easily recall specific information when you need it. Reports are court-admissible and provide thorough records of your co-parenting history. You can breathe easy knowing that all of your co-parenting information is recorded, secured, and available when you need it.