A blue and orange truece logo on a blue background
A get it on google play button on a white background.
A black and white app store icon with an apple logo and the words `` download on the app store ''.

Truece remembers everything, so you don’t have to!

Truece provides a secure and convenient way to record the details of co-parenting.

  • Reports

With an Enhanced paid subscription users can run unlimited number of reports on any or all categories with no date restrictions. Download a court admissible .pdf report to your phone and email or send to yourself, attorney or co-parent.

(Free subscribers can now run 2 reports per year with a date restriction of the past 60 days.)

See Example Use Case

  • Messages

Send and receive in-app text messages. All message history is archived chronologically. Messaging allows for the transfer of pictures. You may message with 1 or multiple linked accounts. All messages are recorded and cannot be altered or erased, providing an accurate record of your messaging communication history.

See Example Use Case

  • Events

Update and manage your family schedule. Create single or recurring events, and if you choose, authorize other “Linked Account Users” to view and or edit these shared events.

**New to Version 2.0 Events can now be selected to be included in your reports.

See Example Use Case

  • Expenses

Manage parenting-related expenses. Document full or partial payments, purchases, request and record reimbursements from others. Archive transactions and organize them by category by logging the purchase and snapping photos of the receipt and or items purchased.

See Example Use Case

  • Notes

Create and record notes or journal entries, that can be date stamped, categorized and or child associated, geo-location (if turned on) stamped for authenticity, and shared and editable by “Linked Account Users” if authorized by you.

See Example Use Case

  • Timers

Log your custody time for a clear and accurate visitation history. Keep indisputable records of custody transfers by setting up geo-fenced location triggers that will automatically remind you to change your visitation status during pick-ups and drop-offs.

See Example Use Case

A get it on google play button on a white background.
A black and white app store icon with an apple logo and the words `` download on the app store ''.

"The parenting time feature is great. It will provide evidence of actual parenting time. Every child support enforcement agency should be aware of this app."

- L.T., Child Support Enforcement Officer in Portland, OR

"Tracking messages let us get to the heart of communication between two parents, and most importantly it shows intent and eliminates he said/she said arguments. I want all my clients to use this."

- Divorce Attorney in Washington State

"What parents may not realize is that after all the smoke clears, the parenting plan will be in place for 10 years, and it will change monthly at some level. We built this application to make that easier to manage…and a lot better for the children."

- Tim Carlsen, Truece Interim CEO

"What a great idea! I am so bad about recording the time my kids spend with me and my ex-wife deleted the Google calendar before we went to court. This probably would've saved me some money."

- Pete Nelson, Divorced Dad

"The parenting time feature is great. It will provide evidence of actual parenting time. Every child support enforcement agency should be aware of this app."

- L.T., Child Support Enforcement Officer in Portland, OR

"Tracking messages let us get to the heart of communication between two parents, and most importantly it shows intent and eliminates he said/she said arguments. I want all my clients to use this."

- Divorce Attorney in Washington State

"What parents may not realize is that after all the smoke clears, the parenting plan will be in place for 10 years, and it will change monthly at some level. We built this application to make that easier to manage…and a lot better for the children."

- Tim Carlsen, Truece Interim CEO

"What a great idea! I am so bad about recording the time my kids spend with me and my ex-wife deleted the Google calendar before we went to court. This probably would've saved me some money."

- Pete Nelson, Divorced Dad

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